tank Mixing
Let's Mix It Right the First Time
Cost-Effective and Owner-Friendly Solutions: For all your Mixing Needs
Through our extensive experience in replacing poorly designed systems, we have developed a deep understanding of what makes a mixing system truly cost-effective and owner-friendly. Some systems are clearly more efficient and user-friendly than others, and we are committed to delivering solutions that not only perform as promised but also make your life as a tank owner easier and more manageable. At MTM, we take pride in our ability to "mix it right the first time." Our expertise, reliability, and tailored approach to tank mixing ensure that you can trust us to provide the best possible solution for your needs, every time.
TTHM Remediation
Best Practices for TTHM Remediation in Potable Water Tanks
MTM's experts design system specific solutions for complex water quality challenges.
Continuous active mixing prevents thermal stratification and stagnant zones, which can lead to increased TTHM formation. Active mixers circulate the entire tank volume, maintaining homogeneous water quality.
Aeration systems, such as surface aerators or air diffusers, promote the volatilization of TTHMs from the water into the tank headspace. This process, known as air stripping, effectively removes TTHMs from the stored water.
Proper ventilation is crucial for effective TTHM removal through aeration. Install powered blowers or vents to continuously exhaust the TTHM-rich air from the tank allowing for continuous efficient stripping, preventing the buildup of TTHMs in the headspace.
Increasing the water surface area within the tank enhances the mass transfer of TTHMs from the water into the air, improving aeration efficiency. Surface aerators can help achieve this.
Reduce the detention time or water age within the tank by optimizing tank turnover rates. Shorter water age means less time for TTHM formation.
Active Mixers
Top Reasons To Consider An Active Water Tank Mixer
There are many tank mixing systems, but the two most common are active and passive. Active mixing systems should be the primary consideration as they continuously circulate water 24/7, regardless of tank volume. These smaller, more sustainable systems provide powerful mixing independent of drain/fill cycles. They are less expensive, easier to install/remove for maintenance, and deter critical issues like ice formation and stratification through constant mixing. This prevents physical damage, biofilm growth, and disinfection byproducts - resulting in homogeneous water quality, reduced water age, and increased overall quality.
Passive Mixers
Where passive mixers make sense
At MTM, we specialize in cutting-edge passive mixing technology that maximizes efficiency and performance.
If the tank has a very high turnover rate, the inflow and outflow may provide sufficient mixing action. In such cases, a passive mixer that relies on the inflow to create mixing could be adequate.
For very small volume tanks the investment in an active mixer system may not be justified. A passive mixer could be a more cost-effective solution for small tanks with high turnover rates.
Optimal Air Flow and Contamination Control
Effective ventilation is a key component for producing and protecting high quality water
In some cases, powered ventilation systems can be employed to actively discharge air from the tank's headspace. This air is often saturated with DBPs and THMs, which are formed during the disinfection process. By continuously purging this air, the concentration of these potentially harmful compounds in the stored water can be reduced, further enhancing water quality.
During filling and draining cycles, proper venting allows air to seamlessly enter or exit the tank. This prevents excessive pressure differentials that could compromise the tank's structural integrity or sanitary conditions. Vents maintain a balanced air flow, safeguarding the tank from potential damage and contamination.
Additionally, ventilation systems help reduce tank headspace temperature and humidity, which can prolong the life of tank coatings by decreasing corrosivity.